Saturday, May 18, 2013

Happy 19th Birthday on the 19th Week!


Miles – Too many! I’ll let you know when the supercomputer finishes the calculations.


Happy 19th Birthday to my Mother’s Day baby, Connor


Ahem! Keeping that peek G rated….




Now, take a wild guess ….



Answer: The best place to get a peek at the Fantasyland construction!


Turns out this shot is a little harder to get than you’d think.

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But Chris kept snapping & captured the moment


Don’t you love the dad behind us? Wish he could see this picture! It makes me think that I should try to watch for strangers in my pictures and hand out my card so they can see them. I’m constantly previewing my pictures.  It wouldn’t be that hard. 


He captured the whole moment, the reality of our family pictures. Make of that what you will.


It goes without saying one cannot ride Dumbo without a stop by the Big Top to ogle and drool … on the pastries ladies! How can you not love a cast member who steps out, poses, and completely upstages Mickey apples? So now when you go in for your Dumbo cupcakes, look for Dave, and tell him you saw his picture here. Fun people like this make Disney an awesome experience!  IMG_1989

Let them eat cake…or Not!

In what has to be considered a true sin against chocoholics, Disney has shortened the hours at Starring Rolls to 3:00!! It was bad enough when it was 4:00, but then they teased us with the Spring Break hours of 6:00 only to drive a plastic fork in our hearts with a new 3:00 closing time.  Our carefully planned, squeak into the Studios and dash to get a birthday cupcake at 3:55, was unceremoniously derailed by this most heinous of changes.

Well, if you can’t eat your cake, you can always get ice cream, and although the Studios has some really good hand-dipped ice cream, the best place in the parks is still the Plaza Ice Cream Parlor on Main Street at Magic Kingdom.


IMG_1947    Waffle Bowl Station IMG_1949

3 All Americans for my 3 All American Kids, Please!

(Corny blog talk quota exceeded for this post. Author has lapsed into sugar shock.)


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Chocolate & Vanilla ice cream, Fudge, Peanut Butter Sauce, Whipped Cream, Chips, & a Cherry!

And now the food critics’ reviews….

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Why is all the rum ice cream gone?


To summarize:



A picture is worth a 1000 words, but I’ll spare you a few hundred.  There’s the man who left both cameras on the front seat of an unlocked car casually holding my new baby the Canon EOS Rebel T3i. Looks OK, doesn’t it? A few seconds prior, said camera was suspended a foot off his lap because, evidently this ride requires at least one hand in the air, or you lose a notch out of your man card. I’m more concerned with losing another camera, but I don’t carry a man card. Fortunately both camera and man card survived the ToT. 


Ride pictures are a competition sport after all, and everyone else on the ride at that time is your competitor. Having no plan, we just freestyled it. The other riders pointed and laughed at our picture, so we won. (like there was any doubt) Some day we’re going to do it up big with props.IMG_2165

And in case you were wondering… IMG_2162

But just to clarify…


Time for one last silly picture. I think the villains & heros parking signs have interesting possibilities.


Pictures are the best vacation souvenir, after all, and the more irreverent the better.


Someday we’re going to get ice cream from the dinosaur, because I’m sure it will taste better and


will likely hold the key to world peace, or peace in our family. Today they went extinct right before we walked up, and we will not, Never, no-no go to the place right by them, Oasis Canteen, for ice cream.  This is the place NOT to buy your mini replica of a root beer float.


We had a Definitive Root Beer Float Tie Breaker at Sleepy Hollow in MK, the BEST place for this treat!


Why is Sleepy Hollow the best? Just look… (OK, guys, it’s not just because of this gorgeous blonde.)


They don’t skimp on ice cream here. They know how to fill the cup. Since the price is the same everywhere, wouldn’t you rather have a full float? That’s right. More cellulite yumminess for you!


The winner is: Twist ice cream

Whether you like vanilla or chocolate, twist gives more depth of flavor than either.


Sleepy Hollow also has the best view. Pull up a seat and enjoy.



That’s the way to end the evening!

True, the view is better out in front, but for my money the view is best from a seat.





HotPinkMickey Now what could we possibly have done that was new? Well, there were a couple of things.  One was more about what we didn’t do. We were about to board Big Thunder Mountain Railroad when it “failed to proceed” to borrow a term from Rolls Royce. They were going to have to walk the tracks and evacuate the cars. We got a FastPass that was good through the next day. (We took only one just so I could have it as a souvenir.)

Secondly, we rode Splash Mountain during the Main Street Electrical parade which was really fun.  We got to see a bit of the parade, there was no wait for the ride, and they let us stay on and go for two in a row. Yeah, baby! I would absolutely use the first parade time to go to Belle’s or one of the mountains and then watch the second Main Street Electrical Parade.  Make sure the kiddos take a good afternoon break so they can stay up that late and really enjoy the parade. (Heck with the kids, what about Mom and Dad?)






A Quick Note About Blogging: Around Week 15 I got a Nexus tablet, and I thought it would be so fun to post from the parks as I go, so I’ve been trying out that method, but I’ve found it’s hard to take pictures  that don’t include my thumb. My new Canon takes much better shots, and my phone takes the killer panorama shots I’ve posted of the Flower and Garden Festival. I have so much I could post that I haven’t. I’m not sure I want to be that serious, though. (reinventing the wheel and all that)     

The biggest flaw with posting on the fly is not identifying weeks.  So here’s the scoop, and I’m not sure it’s worthwhile to go back and perfect it.  (remember my commitment to not be so serious?)  Between the 15th week and the 19th weeks I have gone to Disney, but my every week record is flawed.  Ugh! That drive! I love/hate it! I had a week of doctors, the ER, and a surgery scare that turned out to be a series of wrong diagnoses, resulting in a medicine that made me so weak and sick I couldn’t walk to the living room, much less drive 160 miles or so to Disney.


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